Architectural sound construction, also known as acoustic design, is the process of designing and constructing buildings and rooms to achieve optimal sound quality and noise reduction. This involves the use of sound-absorbing materials, sound barriers, and sound diffusers to control the reflection, absorption, and diffusion of sound within a space.

The construction of architectural sound begins with a thorough analysis of the acoustic needs of the space. This includes determining the intended use of the space, the type of sound that will be generated, and the desired acoustic properties. Once these factors are established, the acoustic designer can create a plan for the construction of the space.

The walls, floors, ceilings, and doors of the space are all important components in the construction of architectural sound. Sound-absorbing materials such as acoustic panels and insulation can be used to reduce the amount of sound transmitted through these surfaces. Sound barriers such as partitions and curtains can be used to block sound from entering or exiting the space.
In addition to these physical components, the design of the space can also be optimized to improve acoustic performance. This includes the placement of speakers and microphones, the arrangement of furniture, and the use of sound diffusers to scatter sound waves evenly throughout the space.

Overall, the construction of architectural sound is a complex process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. When done correctly, it can result in a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and acoustically optimized for its intended purpose.

We provide a total solution related to architectural sound with years of accumulated technology and design. In addition to architectural sound and interior design and construction, we produce sound absorption and reflection panels, console desks, and speaker stands. The combination of sound acoustic panels and finishing materials of various materials creates the optimal space.


SPACEnSOUNDPROOF has years of experience in technology and design to provide total solutions for architectural acoustics.  

Fax  070-8224-1245 
Instargram  space_soundproof_official
office ganganm  3F 20, Hakdong-ro 47-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
office yongsan  2F, 4F 123-5, Wonhyo-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
production  Hwangeo-ro 214beon-gil, Gyeyang-gu, Incheon, Koreafefefe